Frequently Asked question

How to enroll a classroom?

Just completing the application forms (class students and details) and send it to us with the payment. The prices are indicated on the application forms. A minimum of 10 students is required to participate to this service.

Application Forms:

- Online Students' Application Forms;

How to pay the subscription's fee?

The price of the subscription fee is indicated on the application form and be paid in different ways:

1) On the Internet using PayPal to the Account: - Click here to pay with Paypal

2) Cash Notes (NOT COINS) in a registered letter hidden in a good way in some sheets, better if dark sheets and send it to our address.

3) Bank Transfer. (In this case please send us the receipt of the bank transfer enclosed with the application form. Thanks.)

4) International Postal Money Order (we cannot accept local US$, Canadian or British Money Orders), made payable to Andrea D'Ambra sending it to our address.

How to send the application forms?

You can send the forms of your students by mail (the address is indicated on the form) or via on-line application form through our web site Please note that the enrollment of your students will be considered once we receive your payment.

For a more rapid treatment, especially if you pay online with Paypal, we recommend you send your forms on-line.

This will prevent not only the timing of the Post but also the cost of shipping. An e-mail confirmation will be sent to you once we receive your forms. Moreover, the fact that the addresses of students are entered by the computer rather than handwritten will be for us very easy to read. If you type the addresses by hand you are grateful to write clearly and in capitals in order to avoid transcription errors in addresses. Thanks

For more information, please contact us via e-mail:

D'Ambra, Via Fratelli Marc Grivaz 39, 11027 Saint-Vincent , ITALIA.